- 홈
- 융합한국어문화예술트랙
- 교수소개
교수 소개 (Faculty)
▶김상태 국어교육과 교수

- 청주대학교 국어국문학과
- 청주대학교 대학원 국어국문학과
- 2011 – 현재 한국중원언어학회 편집위원장
- 2013 – 2016 한국국어교육학회 총무이사
- 2017 - 2020 한국국어교육학회 편집위원장
- 2021 – 현재 한국국어교육학회 부회장
- 2017 Marquis Who's Who 세계인명사전 등재
- 2018 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2011
- The Graphemic Correlation between Korean alphabet and Chinese character
The 14th Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (Harvard University, USA)
- The Graphemic Correlation between Korean alphabet and Chinese character
- 2013
- The Rule of Writing System of Hanzi in both Old Japanese and Old Korean
- 19th International Congress of Linguists (Geneva University, Switzerland)
- 2015
- The Semiotic Correlation between Liu-shu and Hunminjeongeum
- 19th ICKL & 16th HARVARD-ISOKL (University of Chicago, USA)
- 2018
- The Types of Morphographemic Alternation in Derivative Words in Korean
20th International Congress of Linguists (Cape Town, South Africa)
- The Types of Morphographemic Alternation in Derivative Words in Korean
- 2019
- The Contrastive Analysis of Syllabification and Syllabication in Korean and
English International Conference on Korean Linguistics (University of Monashch, Austrailia)
- The Contrastive Analysis of Syllabification and Syllabication in Korean and
▶유태종 국제교류처 특임교수

- 연세대학교 정치외교학과
- 서울대학교 대학원 정치학과
- 한국방송통신대학교 중어중문학과
- 조선일보 기자
- 청주대 국제교류처 특임교수(2017~현재)