청대 타임즈

Editor Note

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  • Editor Note
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제목 [No.233 Editor Note] End of 2023 and Cheer for 2024.
카테고리 EditorNote

End of 2023 and Cheer for 2024.


The Cheongdae Times Editor-in-Chief So Yeon Jo

Hello, students of Cheong-Ju University. I am So Yeon Jo, Editor-in-Chief of The Cheongdae Times. Winter has come when the cold wind blows. In December, the last month of the year, while writing the final article of 2023 by The Cheongdae Times, I remembered many things that I lack more than the fun and happy moments. I think it's more regretful because it's my first time as an editor-in-chief this year.


The second semester began, and I thought it was only a few months ago, but the end of the year is already here. Did you achieve your plans from the start of this year? Satisfaction and regret will coexist, but I hope it will be the end of 2023 where all of you can complete your hopes and dreams throughout this year.


As I took over as editor this year, I decided to introduce more articles to my readers. However, it didn't work out as planned. I'm sorry that I couldn't introduce a lot of information and good articles.


Throughout 2023, I was able to learn many things while working as the editor at the Cheongdae Times. I was able to learn how to communicate with people, how to write, and so on. Please pay a lot of attention to the Cheongdae Times next year. At the end of the year, I support our readers who are busy.


Thank you for the year.

So Yeon Jo Editor-in-Chief  of the Cheongdae Times


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