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제목 [No.228 Social News] Halloween Itaewon disaster
카테고리 SocialNews

Halloween Itaewon disaster


The Cheongdae Times Cub reporter So-Yeon Kim


On October 29, a massive crush accident occurred on a narrow slope inside Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. 156 People died and 198 people were injured at 9 a.m. that day.


The disaster is attributed to the failure to predict that 100,000 people could flock to a narrow alley in Itaewon, and the lack of a safety management officers due to the unclear host of the event.




Most of the victims were in their teens and 20. Among them, 26 foreigners died. Four hours before the Itaewon disaster, there was the first emergency report informing the police of the danger, and 11 cases were reported in about four hours.


The accident is believed to be a large-scale crush accident caused by a number of falls at a time when crowds gathered around the alley. Citizens were unable to move properly due to excessive crowds in narrow alleys, and the accident occurred when some people lost their balance and fell.


A large number of 2,692 people, including 507 firefighters and 1,371 police officers, were mobilized to deal with the accident. In addition, discussions on subsidies for the deaths of the Itaewon disaster continue. The government is said to pay 15 million won for funeral expenses, 20 million won for living security support, and a total of 35 million won for each deceased.


On the petition, writing titled 'Revision of the Tax Use Act Related to the Itaewon Accident' was posted. The petitioner said, "The tax is not used to temporarily quell public opinion or customary support but should be used for volunteer and to prevent a recurrence."


The number of agreements in this petition exceeded 16,000 cases, ranking third in the order of the most agreements. After, 50,000 people have agreed and the petition is in the process of referral to the committee. (National consent petition Itaewon disaster petition text : https://url.kr/t5kxec)


Currently, the Itaewon Special Investigation Headquarters is conducting a search and seizure, and proper measures should be taken to prevent such accidents from happening again.



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