청대 타임즈

Editor Note

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  • Editor Note
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제목 [No.226 Editor Note] Youth is the best times to be rich, and the best times to be poor.
카테고리 EditorNote

The Cheongdae Times Editor-in-Chief Gyeong-Im Bok


Youth is the best times to be rich, and the best times to be poor. - Euripides


It's September when the semester starts again. The hot summer has passed and now I can feel the cool air. Whenever I go outside, I want to be a leaf that flew away by the cool autumn wind into the high autumn sky.


It will also be difficult for readers to concentrate on their studies because of aflutter heart. It seems like throwing away precious moments of youth in the lecture room, but it is not.


Learning is a privilege for student. Sometimes I do not like the word ‘youth.’ The body is already an adult, there are no growing pains in the body, but there are still growing pains in the mind. This pain is not easily eliminated.


However, Lectures will be the foundation for our growth. We can miss the lover we met in the lecture room. All of these are special memories that you can have because you are young.


The English word for youth is ‘youth[young]’, but I don't think it is only young people. Everyone who stands up again after suffering endless growing pains in their mind is youth. I hope this article will make you smile even if it does not ease your pain. The Cheongdae Times cheer all readers who is working hard in this era.



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