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제목 [No. 223 Campus Story] Won the best prize in IP-R&D Education Award
카테고리 CampusStory

Won the best prize in IP-R&D Education Award

Cheongdae Times Senior Reporter of Culture Affairs, Yoon-Ji Bae




On the 24th, our university announced that Professor Park Sang-sung, of the Department of Big Data Statistics, won the best prize in the 2021 IP-R&D Education Award.


Professor Park educated various methodologies for technical analysis using big data analysis in the education program. It was evaluated as the best lecture among the experts who participated in this program and won the best Prize.


Korea intellectual property office and Korea intellectual property strategy agency have formed a pool of intellectual property experts to cultivate IP-R&D professionals. They are contributing to the creation of jobs for trainees by conducting nationwide education programs.


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