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제목 {No. 220 Campus Story] SPEC JOB GO Certification Support Program
카테고리 CampusStory

SPEC JOB GO Certification Support Program

Cheongdae Times Division of Culture Affairs, senior reporter Yoon-Ji Bae

Our university JOP PLUS Center said program offered 6 six certification classes for two months in July and August, with a total of 200 students and graduates participating. It selected and operated six job certificates, including "Computer Specialist in Spreadsheet & Database Level-2" and "Computerized Accounting Qualification -Standard level", "Marketing Survey Analysis", "McKinsey Knowledge Strategic Planning", "Statistical Process Management", and "Excel Data Analysis".


It was found that the participation rate among third-year students preparing for early employment and student majoring in department of Humanities and Society who need to strengthen their skills was high.

"The class through zoom was very convenient. And the quality of education was good, and it was good to be able to take lectures for free.” said one student who participated in the Computer Specialist in Spreadsheet & Database Level-2" and "McKinsey Knowledge Strategic Planning.”


"We are pleased that job plus center can support the 'certificate acquisition program', which has been delayed due to budget issues, at the job plus center. And, we hope it will help young people who are struggling to prepare for jobs" said Yoon Sung Hoon, Vice president of the University Job Plus Center.


Cheongju University's Job Plus Center provides various programs and counseling to support young people's job search. Information on job support can be found through Kakao Talk Plus Channel (search for “청주대학교 대학일자리플러스센터 ") or Instagram (instagram@cju_job)




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