청대 타임즈

Editor Note

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제목 [No. 217 Editor Note] Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.
카테고리 EditorNote

Cheongdae Times Editor-in-Chief Gyeong-Im Bok


Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. Charles Chaplin


The time has come when the warm wind blows. People seem to clean up their winter clothes and patience together. The COVID 19 is vaccine coming out, you may feel the end of the long war a little. But that is just a feeling. The moment people do not stay alert and come outside, the war will be extended in an instant.


I also feel a lot of frustration writing this article at home. I miss the time when I delivered paper magazines myself and turned paper over. However, it is not good to see the past only. We can never go back to past no matter how happy it was.


All we have is the present and the future. That is enjoying the present fully and preparing for the upcoming future. Charles Chaplin said, “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.” So, we must prepare for the end of this war beforehand.


Cheongdae Times will always be by your side in difficult times. We hope readers will be together with us from beginning to end. We will wait uniformly for the day to meet our readers in magazines, not webzines.



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