청대 타임즈

Editor Note

  • 청대 타임즈
  • Editor Note
Editor Note 상세보기, 제목, 카테고리, 내용, 파일등의 정보를 제공합니다.
제목 [No. 216 Editor Note] Don't give up hope.
카테고리 EditorNote

Reporter Gyeong-Im Bok

Hello, students of CheongJu university. I am Gyeong-Im Bok who became the editor-in-chief of the Cheongdae Times in 2021. First, I want to congratulate new students who entered the school in 2021.

The new semester of 2021 has begun after 2020 when there were many problems. In 2020, a lot of normal daily life has stagnated. The Cheongdae Times could not publish a magazine normally, so we posted an article to students on the web site. This method is the same for this year.

Many people feel uncomfortable due to COVID-19. I think students find it hard to concentrate on their studies because of this situation. But Robert H. Goddard said, “It is difficult to say what is Impossible.”

If we do not give up and have dreams and hopes, we will be able to overcome this situation. The Cheongdae Times will give you new and interesting articles even in 2021. We hope that you will have great 2021 with us.


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