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제목 [No. 214 Editor Note] Hope can be made, although it may seem despair now.
카테고리 EditorNote

Reporter Chae-Rin Shin

Hi Cheongdae Times Readers, I am glad to say hello again as the editor – in – chief of the Cheongdae Times.

First of all, I think all of our classmates have had a lot of despair over the past semester in the area where our campus life and other daily routines were destroyed by the COVID - 19.

It was the last semester that I had a lot of difficulties and despair in running the Cheongdae Times during the last semester. And also in other everyday parts of my routines were destroyed by the COVID – 19.

Even when I tried to cover an article, there were many difficulties due to social distancing and refusal to interview. 

And the Cheongdae Times reporter friends who lived in other regions also had a lot of trouble with Cheongdae Times meetings and other work schedules.

Nevertheless, in the midst of this desperate situation, I think we have made more hopeful and progressive parts.

This COVID - 19 gave the Cheongdae Times an opportunity to properly open a webzine that was planned for the past three years, and I think these parts were an opportunity for us to develop more progressively because we are in a desperate situation due to COVID - 19.

As such, I think that it would have been a semester where students felt despair as well as ours due to the collapse of campus life and other daily routines. However, I hope that the students of Cheongju University can turn this desperate situation into hope.

Thank you to all of you who help us suppotting during the past semester.


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