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- 전화번호8562
- 이메일jhkang@cju.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
학교명 | 학위명 |
연세대학교 | 이학사 |
연세대학교 | 이학석사 |
연세대학교 | 이학박사 |
구분명 | 내용 학술지명, 발행처, 제출기관 등 |
연도 | 발행권호 페이지, 연구기간 등 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of silymarin Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry [Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry] |
20220930 |
65권 3호 221-230 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Analysis of Phosphatase Activity in a Droplet-Based Microfluidic Chip BIOSENSORS-BASEL [MDPI] |
20220908 |
12권 9호 740(1)-740(10) |
국내일반학술지 |
Tetrahydropapaveroline (THP)에 의한 Neurofilament-L 돌연변이의 산화적 변형 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20220831 |
40권 1호 1-6 |
국내일반학술지 |
Ferritin과 과산화수소의 반응은 α-synuclein의 산화적 변형을 유도한다 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20200831 |
38권 1호 7-12 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
항산화 효소의 산화적 변형에 뽕잎 발효물이 미치는 영향 한국응용과학기술학회지 [한국응용과학기술학회] |
20190930 |
36권 3호 985-994 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
Leuconostoc mesenteroidesies 균주를 이용한 여주 추출물 발효 및 생산물의 생리활성 특성 오일 및 응용과학 학회지 [한국유화학회] |
20181231 |
35권 4호 1250-1259 |
국내일반학술지 |
Carnosine과 관련물질들은 MDA와 MG에 의한 손상으로부터 신경세사를 보호한다 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20180831 |
36권 1호 23-27 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
엄나무 발효물의 항산화 및 항아밀로이드 활성 오일 및 응용과학 학회지 [한국유화학회] |
20180630 |
35권 2호 389-398 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
신경세사 단백질의 산화적 손상에 엄나무 발효물이 미치는 영향 오일 및 응용과학 학회지 [한국유화학회] |
20180325 |
35권 1호 194-204 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
버섯균사체 발효 뽕잎 추출물의 항산화 활성 오일 및 응용과학 학회지 [한국유화학회] |
20171230 |
34권 4호 1025-1035 |
국내일반학술지 |
Methylglyoxal은 신경단백질의 응집을 유도한다 산업과학연구 [청주대학교산업과학연구소] |
20160831 |
34권 1호 15-19 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of human ceruloplasmin induced by a catechol neurotoxin, salsolinol BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20160131 |
49권 1호 45-50 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
철이온 저장 단백질의 손상이인간의 정신 건강에 미치는 영향 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 [] |
20151231 |
제9권 제4호 403-410 |
기타학술지 |
Glyoxal에 의한 neurofilament-L의 변형에 histidine dipeptide들이 미치는 보호 영향 산업과학연구 [청주대학교산업과학연구소] |
20150228 |
32호 2호 19-24 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
노루궁뎅이 버섯균사체를 이용한 비타민나무 발효물이 생체고분자의 산화적 변형과 세포사멸에 미치는 보호 영향 한국식품영양과학회지 [] |
20150131 |
Vol.44, No.1 35-43 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
인진쑥 노루궁뎅이 버섯균사체 발효물의 항산화 활성 오일 및 응용과학 학회지 [한국유화학회] |
20141231 |
31권 4호 719-730 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
Methylglyoxal에 의한 사람 혈청 알부민의 산화적 변형 Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Associ [] |
20140228 |
Vo.8 No.1 113-120 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Modification and inactivation of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by the lipid peroxidation product, acrolein BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20131130 |
46권 11호 555-560 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Acrolein, A Reactive Product of Lipid Peroxidation, Induces Oxidative Modification of Cytochrome c BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [KOREAN CHEMICAL SOC] |
20131120 |
34권 11호 3295-3300 |
기타학술지 |
Protective effects of carnosine and related compounds on aggregation of neurofilament-L by malondialdehyde 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20130831 |
제31권 1호 41-47 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative damage of DNA induced by the reaction of methylglyoxal with lysine in the presence of ferritin BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20130430 |
46권 4호 225-229 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Salsolinol, a catechol neurotoxin, induces oxidative modification of cytochrome c BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20130228 |
46권 2호 119-123 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative Modification of Cytochrome c by Tetrahydropapaveroline, an Isoquinoline-Derived Neurotoxin BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [KOREAN CHEMICAL SOC] |
20130220 |
34권 2호 406-410 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of neurofilament-L and neuronal cell death induced by the catechol neurotoxin, tetrahydropapaveroline TOXICOLOGY LETTERS [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD] |
20130213 |
217권 1호 59-66 |
기타학술지 |
Glyoxal에 의한 신경단백질의 산화적 유도 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20120831 |
30권 1호 13-18 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of ferritin induced by methylglyoxal BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20120331 |
45권 3호 147-152 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective Effects of Carnosine and Anserine on Oxidative Modification of Neurofilament-L Induced by Catechol Neurotoxin, Tetrahydropapaveroline BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [KOREAN CHEMICAL SOC] |
20120229 |
33권 2호 731-734 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Salsolinol, a tetrahydroisoquinoline-derived neurotoxin, induces oxidative modification of neurofilament-L: protection by histidyl dipeptides BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20120229 |
45권 2호 114-119 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative Modification of Neurofilament-L Induced by Endogenous Neurotoxin, Salsolinol BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [KOREAN CHEMICAL SOC] |
20110920 |
32권 호 3421-3424 |
기타학술지 |
Methylglyoxal에 의한 Bovine Serum Albumin의 산화적 변형 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20110831 |
29권 1호 25-30 |
학술활동 |
Methylglyoxal induces oxidative modification of ferritin 2011년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20110516 |
329-329 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative modification of neurofilament-L induced by catechol neurotoxin, tetrahydroparpaveroline 2011년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20110516 |
329-329 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of ferritin induced by hydrogen peroxide BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20110331 |
44권 호 165-169 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Vitamin C increases the apoptosis via up-regulation p53 during cisplatin treatment in human colon cancer cells BMB REPORTS [KOREAN SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY] |
20110331 |
44권 호 211-216 |
지식재산권 |
DNA 손상을 억제하는 디펩티드 및 그 억제방법 특허 등록 청주대학교 산학협력단 |
20110131 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective effects of carnosine and homocarnosine on ferritin and hydrogen peroxide-mediated DNA damage BMB reports [KSBMB] |
20101031 |
Vol. 43, No. 10 683-687 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative Damage of DNA Induced by Ferritin and Hydrogen Peroxide BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [KOREAN CHEMICAL SOC] |
20101020 |
31권 호 2873-2876 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Salsolinol, a catechol neurotoxin, induces modification of ferritin: Protection by histidine dipeptide Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology [Elsevier] |
20100530 |
Vol. 29 No. 3 246-251 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Reaction of ferritin with hydrogen proxide induces lipid peroxidation BMB reports [KSBMB] |
20100331 |
Vol. 43 No. 3 219-224 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Generation of hydroxyl radicals in the reaction of ferritin with hydrogen peroxide Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [KCS] |
20090720 |
Vol. 30, No. 7 1644-1646 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Ferritin enhances salsolinol-mediated DNA strand breakage: protection by carnosine and related compounds Toxicology Letters [Elsevier] |
20090710 |
Vol. 188, No. 1 20-25 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of ferritin induced by salsolinol, catechol neurotoxin Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20081220 |
Vol. 29, No. 12 2390-2394 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
The reaction of salsolinol with ferritin induces DNA strand breakage Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20081220 |
Vol. 29, No. 12 2395-2398 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Acrolein, the toxic endogenous aldehyde, induces neurofilament-L aggregation BMB Reports [KSBMB] |
20080930 |
Vol. 41, No. 9 635-639 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protection by histidine dipeptides against acrolein-induced neurofilament-L aggregation Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20080920 |
Vol. 29, No. 9 1732-1736 |
기타학술지 |
파킨슨씨 병에서 산화된 catechols에 의한 단백질들의 변형
산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20080831 |
26(1) 15-20 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Carnosine and N-acetyl-carnosine inhibit salsolinol/Cu,Zn- superoxide dismutase-mediated DNA cleavage Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20080620 |
Vol. 29, No. 6 1243-1246 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
DNA cleavage induced by the reaction of salsolinol with Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20071220 |
Vol. 28, No. 12 2329-2332 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective effects of carnosine ans N-acetylcarnosine on salsolino-mediated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase inactivation Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20071020 |
Vol. 28, No. 10 1881-1884 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Salsolinol, a tetrahydroisoquinoline catechol neurotoxin, induces human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase modificatio Journal of Biochemstry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20070930 |
Vol. 40, No. 5 684-689 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
In vitro assay of neurofilament light chain self-assembly using truncated mutants Journal of Neuroscience Methods [Elsevier Science] |
20070415 |
Vol.161 No.2 199-204 |
연구보고서 |
2003년도 기초과학연구지원과제 최종보고서 |
20070131 |
20030901 ~20060831 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective effects of histidine dipeptides on the modification of neurofilament-L by the cytochrome c/hydrogen peroxide system Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20070131 |
Vol.40 No.1 125-129 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of neurofilament-L by the cytochrome c and hydrogen Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20070120 |
Vol.28 No.1 77-80 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Carnosine and homocarnosine inhibit cytochrome c-mediated DNA strand breakage Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20061120 |
Vol.27, No.11 1891-1893 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of cytochrome c by hydrogen peroxide Molecules and Cells [KSMCB] |
20061031 |
Vol.22, No.2 220-227 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
PEP-1-SOD fusion protein efficiently protects against paraquat-induced dopaminergic neuron damage in a Parkins Free Radical Biology & Medicine [Elsevier] |
20061001 |
Vol.41, No.7 1058-1068 |
기타학술지 |
Role of Metalloprotein in Oxidative Damage of DNA by Salsolinol
산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20060831 |
24권 1호 41-45 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative damage of DNA induced by the cytochrome c and hydrogen peroxide Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20060731 |
Vol. 39, No. 4 452-456 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Lipid peroxidation induced by the reaction of cytochrome c with hydrogen peroxide Bulletin of the Koraen Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20060620 |
Vol. 27, No. 6 830-834 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of human ceruloplasmin by methylglyoxal: an in vitro study Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20060531 |
Vol. 39, No. 3 335-338 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Transduced Tat-a-synuclein protects against oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20060531 |
Vol. 39, N0. 3 253-262 |
학술활동 |
PEP-1-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) mutants transduced into neuronal cells 2006년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20060525 |
1 414-414 |
학술활동 |
PEP-1-SOD fusion protein efficiently protects against paraquat-induced dopaminergic neuron 2006년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20060525 |
1 414-414 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Carnosine and related compounds protect against the hydrogen peroxide-mediated cytochrome c modification Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20060520 |
Vol. 27, No. 5 663-666 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Transuced human copper chaperone for Cu,Zn-SOD (PEP-1-CCS) protects against neuronal cell death Molecules and Cells [KSMCB] |
20051231 |
Vol. 20, N0. 3 401-408 |
학술활동 |
Transduced human copper chaperone for Cu,Zn-SOD (PEP-1-CCS) protects against neuronal cell death 2005년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20051017 |
1 393-393 |
학술활동 |
Transducedc PEP-1-frataxin protein increased neuronal cell viability against oxidative stress 2005년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20051017 |
1 393-393 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Aggregation of a-synuclein induced by oxidized catecholamines as a potential mechanism of Lewy body Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20050820 |
Vol.26, No.8 1255-1259 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protection by carnosine and homocarnosine against L-DOPA-Fe(III)-mediated DNA cleavage Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20050820 |
Vol.26, No.8 1251-1254 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Copper chaperone for Cu,Zn-SOD supplement potentiates the Cu,Zn-SOD function of neuroprotective effects against ischemic neuronal damage in the gerbil hippocampus Free Radical Biology and Medicine [Elsevier] |
20050801 |
Vol.39, No.3 392-402 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Tat-mediated protein transduction of human brain pyridoxal kinase into PC12 cells Biochimie [Elsevier] |
20050530 |
Vol.87, No.5 481-487 |
학술활동 |
Human brain pyridoxal-5-phosphate phosphatase: Expression and characterization of monoclonal antibodies 2005년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20050520 |
1 364-364 |
학술활동 |
Production and characterization of human methionine sulfoxide reductase A (hMsrA) monoclonal antibodies 2005년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20050520 |
1 367-367 |
학술활동 |
Protective effects of carnosine and related compounds on the hydrogen peroxide-mediated cytochrome c modificat 2005년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 |
20050519 |
1 176-176 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Enhanced transduction of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase with HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domains both termini Molecules and Cells [KSMCB] |
20050430 |
Vol.19, No.2 191-197 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against human ceruloplasmin Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer] |
20050131 |
Vol. 38, No. 1 71-76 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective effects of carnosine and relative compounds on DNA cleavage by advanced glycation end products Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20050120 |
Vol. 26, No. 1 178-180 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Peroxidase activity of cytochrome c Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20041220 |
25 (12) 1889-1892 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
In vivo protein transduction: biologically active intact PEP-1-superoxide dismutase fusion protein efficiently Free Radical Biology & Medicine [Elsevier] |
20041115 |
37 (10) 1656-1669 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative damage of biological macromolecules induced by the cytochrome c and hydrogen peroxide system International Symposium on Current Topics in Biome |
20041028 |
1 172-172 |
학술활동 |
Aggregation of ubiquitin induced by copper and hydrogen peroxide 2004 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20041014 |
1 176-176 |
학술활동 |
Lipid peroxidation induced by oxidatively damaged cytochrome c 2004 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20041014 |
1 167-167 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative damage of DNA by the cytochrome c and hydrogen peroxide system 2004 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20041014 |
1 167-167 |
학술활동 |
Tat-mediated protein transduction of human brain pyridoxal oxidase into PC12 cells 2004 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20041014 |
1 376-376 |
학술활동 |
transduced Tat-SOD fusion protein protects against ischemia brain injury 2004 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 |
20041014 |
1 377-377 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of neurofilament-L by the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide system Biochimie [Elsevier] |
20040831 |
86 (8) 553-559 |
기타학술지 |
Peroxynitrite에 의한 DNA의 산화적 손상 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20040830 |
22 (1) 81-85 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Age-related changes of r-aminobutyric acid transaminase immunoreactivity in the hippocampus and denate gyrus Brain Research [Elsevier] |
20040813 |
1017 (1-2) 77-84 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
HIV-1 Tat-mediated profein transduction of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase into pancreatic beth cells in vitro and in vivo Free Radical Biology & Medicine [Elsevier] |
20040801 |
37 (3) 339-349 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Expression and changes of endogenous insulin-like growth factor-1 in neurons and glia in the gerbil hippocampu Neurochemistry International [Elsevier] |
20040717 |
45 (1) 149-156 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Ischemia-related Changes of adrenocorticotropic hormone immunoreactivity and its protective effect in the gerbil hippocampus after transient forebrain ischemia Neuroscience [Elsevier] |
20040715 |
126 (4) 871-877 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Ischemia-related change of ceruloplasmin immunoreactivity in neurons and astrocytes in the gerbil hippocampus Neurochemistry International [Elsevier] |
20040615 |
44 (8) 601-607 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Modification of Cu,Zn-wuperoxide dimufase by oxidized catechoamines Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [springer] |
20040531 |
Vol. 37, No. 3 325-329 |
학술활동 |
Production and characterizatin of monoclonal antibodies against human ceruloplasmin 2004 년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040528 |
1 300-300 |
학술활동 |
Cloning and expression of cell-permeable human copper chaperone for Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 281-281 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative modification of cytochrome c induced by hydrogen peroxide 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 170-170 |
학술활동 |
Peorxidase activity of cytochrome c 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 171-171 |
학술활동 |
Protection by carnosine and homocarnosine against L-DOPA-Fe(III)-mediated DNA cleavage 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 261-261 |
학술활동 |
Tat-mediated protein transduction of human brain pyridoxal kinase into PC12 cells 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 289-289 |
학술활동 |
Transduction efficacy of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase in vitro and in vivo enhanced by the HIV-1 Tat protein 2004년 한국생화학분자생물학회 학술대회 초록집 |
20040527 |
1 290-290 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Modification and inactivation of human ceruloplasmin by oxidized actecholamine Bulletion of the Korean Chemical Society [Korean Chemical Society] |
20040520 |
25(5) 625-628 |
연구보고서 |
2002년도 선도연구자 지원사업 결과보고서 |
20040510 |
20021201 ~20031130 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Molecular gene cloning, expression, and characterization of bovine brain glutamate dehydrogenase Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer-Verlag] |
20031130 |
Vol 36, No. 6 545-551 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative damage of DNA by the reaction of amino acid with methylglyoxal in the presence of Fe(III) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules [Elsevier] |
20031130 |
Vol. 33, No. 1-3 43-48 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative damage of DNA induced by methylglyoxal in vitro Toxicology Letters [Elsevier] |
20031130 |
Vol. 145, No. 2 101-207 |
연구보고서 |
특정기초연구 최종보고서 |
20031023 |
20000901 ~20030831 |
학술활동 |
In vivo protein transduction: biologically active PEP-1-superoxide dismutase fusion protein efficiently protec 2003 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20031009 |
1 346-346 |
학술활동 |
Modification of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by oxidized catecholamines 2003 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20031009 |
1 163-163 |
학술활동 |
Protective effects of carnosine and homocarnosine on L-DOPA-Fe(III)-mediated DNA cleavage 2003 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20031009 |
1 250-250 |
학술활동 |
Tat-SOD-Tat fusion protein: enhanced transduction efficiency of superoxide dismutase into mammalian cells 2003 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20031009 |
1 334-334 |
학술활동 |
Transduced antioxidant enzyme catalase protects against ischemic brain injury and neuronal cell death 2003 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20031009 |
1 347-347 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
The somatostatin receptors in the normal and epileptic hippocampus of the gerbil: sutype-specific localization Brain Research [Elsevier] |
20031003 |
Vol. 986, No.1-2 91-102 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Chronological alterations of calbindin D-28K immunoreactivity in the gerbil main olfactory bulb after ischemic Brain Research [Elsevier] |
20030930 |
Vol. 971, No. 2 250-254 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Isolation and identification of an antioxidant enzyme catalase stimulatory compound from Garnoderma lucidum Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer-Verlag] |
20030930 |
Vol. 36, No. 5 450-455 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of neurofilament-L by copper-catalyzed reaction Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [Springer-Verlag] |
20030930 |
Vol. 36, No. 5 488-492 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Human glutamate dehydrogenase is immunologically distinct from mammalian orthologues Experimental and Molecular Medicine [Korean Society Medical Biochemistry Molecular Biol] |
20030831 |
Vol. 35, No. 4 249-256 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Human liver catalase: cloning, expression and characterization of monoclonal antibodies Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
20030630 |
Vol. 15, No. 3 381-386 |
국내전문학술지(KCI급) |
Transduction of Tat-superoxide dismutase into insulin-producing MIN6N cells reduces streptozotocin-induced cyt The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology [대한약리학회] |
20030630 |
Vol. 7, No. 3 163-168 |
학술활동 |
Copper enhances DNA strand brakage by non-enzymatic glycation reaction 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 395-395 |
학술활동 |
Ginsenosides enhance the transduction efficiency of Tat-superoxide dismutase into mmmalian cells and skin 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 412-412 |
학술활동 |
Isolation and identification of antioxidant enzyme catalase stimulatory compound from the Garnoderma lucidum 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 413-413 |
학술활동 |
Modification of neurofilament-L protein by oxidatively danaged Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계 학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 236-236 |
학술활동 |
Production of characterization of monoclonal antibodies to human pyridoxal-5-phosphate phosphatase 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 325-325 |
학술활동 |
The aggregation of a-synuclein induced by the ceruloplasmin and hydrogen peroxide 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 253-253 |
학술활동 |
Transduction of Tat-superoxide dismutase into pancreatic b-cells reduces streptozotocin-induced cell destructi 2003 한국생화학분자생물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20030514 |
1 401-401 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Modification and inactivation of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by methylglyoxal Molecules and Cells [Springer] |
20030430 |
Vol. 15, No. 2 194-199 |
연구보고서 |
2001년도 선도연구자지원 과제 연구결과 보고서 |
20030315 |
20011001 ~20020930 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Enhanced oligomeriztion of the a-synuclein mutant by the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide syst Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
20030228 |
Vol. 15, No. 1 87-93 |
기타학술지 |
Peroxyl radical에 의해 유도되는 DNA절단에 관한 연구 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20021028 |
20권 1호 29-34 |
학술활동 |
Aggregation of a-synuclein by oxidized catechols as a potential mechanism of Lewy boby formation 2002년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20021017 |
1 321-321 |
학술활동 |
Cloning and characterization of cell permeable PEP-1-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase fusion protein 2002년 한국분자세포생물학회 초록집 |
20021017 |
1 311-311 |
학술활동 |
Delivery of anti-oxidant enzyme mediated by HIV-1 tat protein transduction domain into mice 2002년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20021017 |
1 311-311 |
학술활동 |
HIV-1 tat-mediated in vivo transduction of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase ameliorates Streptozotocin-induced diabe 2002년 한국분자세포생물학회 초록집 |
20021017 |
1 314-314 |
학술활동 |
Molecular gene cloning, functional expression of human liver catalase and characterization of its monoclonal a 2002년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20021017 |
1 257-257 |
학술활동 |
Modification of neurofilament-L by the metal-catalyzed oxidative reaction 2002년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20021010 |
1 148-148 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative modification and inactivation of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by methylglyoxal 2002년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20021010 |
1 146-146 |
학술활동 |
Transduction of human antioxidant enzymes mediated by an HIV-1 Tat protein basic domain into neuronal cells an Experimental neurobiology |
20020928 |
11 67-67 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
The ceruloplasmin and hydrogen peroxide system induces a-synuclein aggregation in vitro Biochimie [Elsevier] |
20020715 |
Vol. 84, Issue 7 625-631 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Carnosine and related dipeptides protect human ceruloplasmin against peroxyl radical-mediated modification Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
20020630 |
Vol. 13, No. 3 498-502 |
연구보고서 |
특정기초연구 2년차 중간보고서 |
20020615 |
20000901 ~20030831 |
학술활동 |
Carnosine and related dipeptides protect human ceruloplasmin against peroxyl radical-mediated modification 2002년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20020516 |
1 168-168 |
학술활동 |
Enhancement of alpha-synuclein mutant aggregation by the Cu,Zn-SOD and hydrogen peroxide system 2002년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20020516 |
1 171-171 |
학술활동 |
Molecular gene cloning and expression of human liver catalase 2002년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20020516 |
1 270-270 |
학술활동 |
Purification and properties of pyridoxal dehydrogenase from bovine liver 2002년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20020516 |
1 151-151 |
학술활동 |
Transduced tat-SOD efficiently protects the NO and ROS-induced cell death in primary islelt cells 2002 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20020516 |
1 272-272 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
9-Polylysine protein transduction domain: Enhanced transduction efficiences of superoxide dismutase into mammalian cells and skin Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
20020430 |
Vol.13 No.2 202-208 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Transduction efficacy of Tat-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase is enhanced by copper ion recovery of the fusion protein Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
20020430 |
Vol.13 No.2 334-340 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Aggregation of a-synuclein induced by the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide system Free Radical Biology & Medicine [Pergamon-Elsevier] |
20020315 |
Vol. 32 No.6 544-550 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protective effects of carnosine, homocarnosine and anserine against peroxyl radical-mediated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase modification Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [Elsevier Science] |
20020315 |
Vol.1570 No.2 89-96 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Production of monoclonal antibodies and immunohistochemical studies of brain myo-inositol monophosphate phosphatase Molecules and Cells [KSMCB] |
20020228 |
13 (1) 21-27 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Protection by carnosine-related dipeptides against hydrogen peroxide-mediated ceruloplasmin modification Molecules and Cells [KSMCB] |
20020228 |
13 (1) 107-112 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Transduction of human catalase mediated by an HIV-1 TAT protein basic domain and arginine-rich peptides into mammalian cells Free Radical Biology & Medicine [Elsevier Science] |
20011201 |
Vol.31, No.11 1509-1519 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification of human ceruloplasmin by peroxyl radicals Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [Elsevier Science] |
20011107 |
Vol.1568, issue1 30-36 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative damage of DNA induced by advanced glycation end products in the presence of Fe(III) 2001년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011018 |
0 41-41 |
학술활동 |
Protective effects carnosine, homocarnosine and anserine against peroxyl radical-mediated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase modification 2001년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011018 |
1 43-43 |
학술활동 |
Protective effects of Tat-superoxide dismutase fusion protein on cytotoxicity induced by nitric oxide and oxygen free radicals in insulin-producing cells 2001년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011018 |
1 40-40 |
학술활동 |
Transduction potential of HIV-1 Tat-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase is efficiently by copper ion recovery of the fusion protein 2001년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011018 |
1 41-41 |
학술활동 |
9-Polylysine protein transduction domain: enhanced penetration efficiency of superoxide dismutase into mammalian cells and skin 2001년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011011 |
1 289-289 |
학술활동 |
Aggregation of a-synuclein induced by the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide system 2001년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011011 |
1 171-171 |
학술활동 |
Protection by carnosine-related dipeptides against hydrogen peroxide mediated ceruloplasmin modification 2001년 한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
20011011 |
1 171-171 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
The change in the expressions of r-aminobutyric acid transporters in the gerbil hippocampal complex following spontaneous seizer Neuroscience Letters [Elsevier Science] |
20010907 |
Vol.310, No.1 29-32 |
학술활동 |
In vivo protein transduction of antioxidant enzymes (Cu,Zn-SOD, CAT) mediated by an HIV-Tat protein basic domain into mice skin 2001년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20010517 |
1 164-164 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative modification of human ceruloplamin by peroxyl radicals 2001년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20010517 |
1 232-232 |
학술활동 |
Production and characterization of Tat-SOD (Tat-superoxide dismutase) monoclonal antibodies 2001년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20010517 |
1 221-221 |
학술활동 |
Transduction of human catalase mediated by a HIV-1 Tat protein basic domain and arginine rich peptides into mammalian cells 2001년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20010517 |
1 165-165 |
기타학술지 |
The stimulatory effect of Garnoderma lucidum and Phellinus linteus on the antioxidant enzyme catalase Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology [한국생화학회] |
20010331 |
Vol.34, No.2 144-149 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Enhanced oxidative damage by the familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutants Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [Elsevier Science] |
20001215 |
1524 162-170 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Oxidative modification and inactivation of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [Elsevier Science] |
20001130 |
1543 69-76 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Transduction of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mediated by an HIV-1 Tat protein basic domain into mammalian cells FEBS Letters [Elsevier (유럽 생화학회)] |
20001124 |
485 163-167 |
기타학술지 |
구리 킬레이트와 항산화 물질이 과산화수소에 의한 Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase의 절단에 미치는 영향 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
20001015 |
제18권 1호 65-71 |
학술활동 |
Changes of hepatic antioxidant enzymes in mouse after treatment with natural products 2000년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20000518 |
106-106 |
학술활동 |
Intracellular penetration of a HIV-1 Tat-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase fusion protein 2000년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20000518 |
112-112 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative damage of biological macromolecules in the Cu,Zu, -superoxide dismutase and H2O2 system 2000년 한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
20000518 |
65-65 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Fragmentation of human ceruloplasmin induced by hydrogen peroxide Biochimie [프랑스 생화학 및 분자생물학회] |
20000215 |
82(2) 175-180 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Hydrogen peroxide-mediated CU,Zn-superoxide dismutase fragmentation:protection by carnosine,homocarnosine and anserine Biochimica et Biophysica Acta [Elsevier Science] |
19991115 |
1472(3) 651-657 |
학술활동 |
DNA cleavage induced by the glycation reaction of amino acid with methylglyoxal in the presence of metal ion 1999년 한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회 초록집 |
19990430 |
169-169 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Lipid peroxidation induced by the Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide system Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International [International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology] |
19990415 |
Vol.47, No.4 645-653 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Release of copper ions from the familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutants Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
19990228 |
Vol.9, No.1 110-114 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
The free radical-generating function of a familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated D90A Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase mutant Biochemistry and Molecular biology International [국제생화학, 분자생물학회] |
19981215 |
Vol.46, No.6 1191-1200 |
기타학술지 |
사람 thioltransferase의 항산화 기능 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
19981030 |
제16권 441-447 |
기타학술지 |
인간 Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase의 자유라디칼 생성기능의 고찰 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
19981030 |
제16권 449-454 |
학술활동 |
Hydrogen peroxide-mediated human ceruloplasmin fragmentation 1998년 한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19981022 |
263 |
학술활동 |
Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with the oxidative damage of biomarcromolecules by Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase mutants 1988년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19981015 |
125 |
학술활동 |
Protective effects of carnosine, homocarnosine, anserine against the hydrogen peroxide mediated Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase fragmentation 1998년 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19981015 |
213 |
기타학술지 |
Hydroxyl radical-generating function of horseradish Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [한국생화학회] |
19980930 |
Vol.31 No.5 492-497 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Expression purification and characterization of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated D90A Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase mutant Molecules and Cells [Springer-Verlag] |
19980831 |
Vol.8 478-482 |
학술활동 |
Effects of carnosine,glutathione,and copper chelator on the fragmentation of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by hydrogen peroxide 98한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19980501 |
143-143 |
학술활동 |
Hydroxyl radicals generated in the reaction of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase with H O induce the lipid peroxidation 98한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19980501 |
144-144 |
학술활동 |
The higher free radical-generating activities of the familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutants enhance the release of copper ions from their own moleucles 98한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19980501 |
1 145-145 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
DNA cleavage by Hydroxyl Radicals Generated in the Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase and Hydrogen Peroxide System Molecules and Cells [Korean Society for Molecular Biology] |
19971231 |
Vol.7, No.6 777-782 |
학술활동 |
Characterization of plant cytosolic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase 97한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19971029 |
139-139 |
학술활동 |
DNA cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated in the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and H O system 97한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회초록집 |
19971016 |
245-245 |
학술활동 |
Oxidative damage of biomacromolecules by a free radical-generating activity of a familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutant 97한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회초록집 |
19971016 |
245-245 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Fragmentation of Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase by Peroxidative Reaction Molecules and Cells [Korean Society for Molecular Biology] |
19970831 |
Vo1.7, No.4 553-558 |
학술활동 |
Characterization of an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutant 97한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19970502 |
125-125 |
학술활동 |
Site-specific fragemntation of human Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase by peroxidative reaction 97한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19970502 |
124-124 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
A familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis associated A4V Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase mutant has a lower Km for hdrogen peroxide Journal of Biological Chemistry [American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology] |
19970404 |
Vol.272, No.14 8861-8863 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Peroxidative Activity of Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Molecules and Cells [Korean Society for Molecular Biology] |
19970228 |
Vol.7, No.1 120-124 |
기타학술지 |
Expression and Characterization of Recombinant Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase in Escherichia coli Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [한국생화학회] |
19970131 |
Vol.30, No.1 60-65 |
학술활동 |
Peroxidative Activity of Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase 96한국생화학회추계학술대회 초록집 |
19961010 |
23-23 |
학술활동 |
Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Human Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase in Escherichia Coli 96한국생화학회추계학술대회 초록집 |
19961010 |
23-23 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
A gain-of-function of an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated Cu,Zn-Superoxide dismutase mutant Proceedings of the National Academic Science, U.S.A [National Academic Science of U.S.A] |
19960630 |
Vol.93, No.12 5709-5714 |
기타학술지 |
Purification and Characterization of Arginase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [한국생화학회] |
19950531 |
Vol.28, No.3 232-237 |
기타학술지 |
Isolation of Cell Cycle Mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe 산업과학연구 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
19931220 |
제11권 291-299 |
기타학술지 |
Effect of plant growth hormons on putrescine metablism in Glycine max 산업과학연구지 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
19921115 |
제10권 87-92 |
기타학술지 |
Studies on putrescine biosynthesis in Glycine max 산업과학연구지 [청주대학교 산업과학연구소] |
19921115 |
제10권 93-99 |
기타학술지 |
진핵세포에서 ployamin 생합성의 분자유전학적 이해 생화학뉴스 [한국생화학회] |
19920330 |
Vol.12 No.1 14-18 |
기타학술지 |
자엽을 제거한 대두 유식물에서 polyamine과 methylglyoxal-bis-(guanylhydrazone) 가 diamine oxidase의 활성에 미치는 영향 한국식물학회지 [한국식물학회] |
19910315 |
Vol.34 No.1 53-57 |
국제전문학술지(SCI급/SCOPUS) |
Purification and Porperties of arginase from soybean, Glycine max, axes Plant Physiology [American Society of Plant Physiologist] |
19900715 |
Vol.93 No.3 1230-1234 |
기타학술지 |
대두(Glycine max)에서 Putrescine의 합성과 분해에 관한 생화학적 연구 [연세대학교] |
19900215 |
기타학술지 |
담배 현탁배양 세포로부터 B-1,4-endoglucanase의 정제 및 성질 한국식물학회지 [한국식물학회] |
19891215 |
Vol.32 No.4 275-283 |
학술활동 |
Study on putrescine metabolism in soybean (Glycine max) The second international symposium on recent advances in natural products research |
19891012 |
230-250 |
기타학술지 |
Purification and properties of diamine oxidase from soybean (Glycine max) Korean Biochemical Journal [한국생화학회] |
19890915 |
Vol.22 No.3 361-366 |
학술활동 |
Purification and properties of the diamine oxidase from soybean (Glycine max) axes 5th FAOB congress |
19890813 |
학술활동 |
Soybean (Glycine max)으로부터 diamine oxidase의 정제 및 특성에 관한 연구 1989년도 한국식물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19890422 |
학술활동 |
Purification and characterization of arginase from soybean (Glycine max) 1988년도 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19881112 |
학술활동 |
Studies on B-1,4-endoglucanase activity in tobacco suspension-cultured cell 1988년도 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19881112 |
학술활동 |
Polyamine이 soybean(Glycine max)으로부터 정제된 arginase 활성에 미치는 영향 1988년도 한국생물과학협회 학술대히 초록집 |
19881105 |
기타학술지 |
세포생장에 관한 세포생물학적 연구 : Polyamine과 auxin이 B-1,4-endoglucanase의 활성에 미치는 영향 한국식물학회지 [한국식물학회] |
19880915 |
Vol.3 No.3 239-247 |
기타학술지 |
Purification and characterization of XhoII endonuclease from Xanthomonas holcicola Korean Biochemical Journal [한국생화학회] |
19880615 |
Vol.21 No.2 134-140 |
학술활동 |
Glycine max에서 Putresine 합성에 관련된 효소에 관한 연구 1988년도 한국식물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19880423 |
학술활동 |
IAA가 Gllycine max에서 arginine decarboxylase의 활성 및 polyamine level에 미치는 영향(I) 1988년도 한국식물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19880423 |
학술활동 |
IAA가 Glycine max에서 arginine decarboxylase와 ornithine decarboxylase의 활성 및 polyamine level에 미치는 영향(II) 1988년도 한국식물학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 |
19880423 |
학술활동 |
The effect of polyamines on arginine decarboxylase and ornithine decarboxylase 1987년도 한구생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19871112 |
학술활동 |
대두 (Glycine max) seedling에서 poltamine의 분표 및 arginine decarboxylase와 ornithin decarboxylase의 활성도 측정 제42회 한국생물과학협회 학술대회 초록집 |
19871107 |
기타학술지 |
제한효소 XhOII의 정제 및 성질에 관한 연구 [연세대학교] |
19860215 |
기타학술지 |
Effect of ginseng saponin fraction on cleavage of pBR322 by several restriction endonuclease Korean Journal of Ginseng Science [고려인삼학회지] |
19851231 |
Vol.9 No.2 240-247 |
학술활동 |
Purification and Characterization of XhoII 1985년도 한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 |
19851115 |