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제목 [No.235 Sepacial] Winter Immersion Camp ( immersive program related to foreign language education- TOEIC, OPIC)
카테고리 Special
Winter Immersion Camp ( immersive program related to foreign language education- TOEIC, OPIC)

The Cheongdae Times Cub Reporter Yu-chan Lee

From Wednesday, January 3rd to Tuesday, January 23rd, a period of approximately three weeks, an immersive program related to foreign language education named Cheongju University Winter Immersion Camp was held for students participating in English programs. It took place at the College of General Education (New Millennium Integrated Information Center).


The purpose of this camp is to promote self-directed English learning motivation and to strengthen learning abilities. This program targets freshmen and sophomores to increase their employment rates and to foster global talent through strengthening their English skills, and for senior students (3rd-4th year students) to obtain higher scores in official language tests.


This camp is also an authorized language school that is necessary for dispatching English-speaking exchange students and supporting government-supported internships through special intensive English education during winter break. In addition to all of these, it also aims to boost students‘ test scores.

It's a picture of students going to TOEIC class in the morning

Photo credit : https://url.kr/rh29yw

The program consists of a boarding camp, where students must reside in a dormitory while attending classes and engaging in self-study at school. But they can go home during the weekend.

The learning schedule consists of 7 classes per day and 2 hours of self-study daily, Monday through Friday, for a total of 3 weeks (15 days). Classes and self-study hours can be added or adjusted as needed.

The number of applicants is 90 TOEIC and 20 OPIC, and the selection method is on a first-come, first-served basis. The condition is that you have to pay your living expenses in full within the application period.

However, if the participation rate is more than 90%, a full refund will be given, so you don't have to be burdened. In addition, students are increasingly interested in giving 800 points of comparison and mileage to graduates.

It's a picture of students attending TOEIC-related classes

TOEIC and OPIC education consists of more than 105 hours including LC/RC theory, how to solve practical problems, vocabulary, customized lectures, explanatory lectures, clinics, studies, daily reviews, final summaries and tests. In addition, special classes are included.

In addition, four mock TOEIC tests are provided free of charge. Through the mock TOEIC test, students can maximize their learning effects by accurately identifying their skills and intensively supplementing their deficiencies.

Jee-Uiin, a student of the Department of English Literature who participated in the program said, "I was worried that the class would be difficult because it was the highest level among the three classes but the instructor was very passionate and taught me well, so I was able to improve my score in a short period of time. I went to the TOEIC academy and, it was beneficial to learn new skills that I hadn't previously learned.

However, he said that it was difficult for him because he had word tests and assignments every day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. But, he expressed his satisfaction with the program, saying that he was glad that his score went up as he had a lot of work to do and that he had a good experience relying on each other because he could apply with his friends.

Yoo Jong-myeong, a student of the Department of Business Administration who participated in the same program, said, "I liked that the class content and process were systematic.

However, it was inconvenient that the dormitory and classroom were too far apart, and the workload and schedule were too tight, making it very challenging. Nevertheless after the program ended, he expressed satisfaction with the program, feeling a sense of achievement from the positive results.


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