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제목 [No.235 Social News] Our university's futsal field for students
카테고리 SocialNews
Our university's futsal field for students

The CheongDae Times regular reporter Hoseok An


In our university, there are several facilities for students. For example, there are soccer and basketball fields in the stadium, and particularly, behind the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, there is a futsal field available. Even as the warm spring passes and the days get hotter, many people, especially young people, use this futsal field during this time.


The futsal field at Cheongju University consists of two total courts, with two fields divided per court. Any student at our university can use it. Additionally, there are searchlights in each area so that it can be used at night, and you can also meet students who use it at night.

Here are students using the futsal field

The futsal field can be reserved by anyone through our university website, and students can rent it through the student facility reservation system on the Cheongju University website. Rentals are available for 2-hour per team, and you can rent it anytime between 09:00 and 20:00. In this way, our university has the advantage of having convenient and free facilities available for students.


Business Administration, Class of 2019 student, Jaehyeon Yoon, is a student who uses the facility every Sunday from 18:00 to 20:00. He commented, "It's great that if you're a student at Cheongju University, you can rent it for free. Unlike other futsal fields which require payment, our school's futsal field being free to use seems to be the biggest advantage."

Photo of trash in futsal field

But there are still some things that need to get better here. For example, even though there are places to throw away trash, some people still throw it anywhere. Also, some people smoke inside the futsal field even though they can smoke outside. If they don't put out their cigarettes properly, it could start a fire, which is very dangerous. So, we need to make things better. I think students should learn to throw away their trash properly, and smoking should only happen in smoking areas. Also, people should learn to clean up after they use an area.


Business Administration, Class of 2019 student Jaehyeon Yoon mentioned some things that could be made better about the futsal field. He said, "It's really nice, but there's a problem with not cleaning up trash properly. It doesn't look good to see PET bottles left around that other students have used. Also, smoking inside the futsal field is dangerous because it could start a fire. I think these things need to be fixed."


English Literature, Class of 2020 student Jinkyu Lee pointed out the good and not-so-good things about the futsal field. He said, "It's nice that we can book it to avoid clashing with other groups. Also, it's good that we can turn on the lights at night, so we can play after classes. But it's not good that it's not cleaned well, which doesn't look nice."


Many people think our school has good stuff for students, but some say it's not kept very clean. If we use the futsal field, we should clean up after ourselves and follow the rules because we're students here.



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