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제목 [No.231 Campus Story] Job experience of cabin crew at Cheongju University and Asiana Airlines
카테고리 CampusStory

Job experience of cabin crew at Cheongju University and Asiana Airlines


The Cheongdae Times Cub reporter Eun Hye Park




Cheongju University's Aviation Service Department announced on May 11th that it participated in an aircraft flight attendant experience class conducted by Asiana Airlines.


The cabin crew experience class, attended by many senior in Aviation Service at Cheongju University, was held to cultivate practical skills as an airline crew and lay the groundwork for upcoming recruitment.


In this experience class, the students completed various education from current Asiana Airlines training center instructors. Such as image making, makeup and hair, walking, posture, and airline mock interviews.


Kim Ji-min, a student who completed the program, said, "I am grateful to Asiana Airlines and Cheongju University for providing valuable experience opportunities for students," adding, "This Asiana Airlines cabin crew experience process will give us confidence and motivation to prepare for upcoming recruitment.“


Professor Cho Han-joo, who guided the program, said, "We are happy to provide high-quality airline programs to students, and we will take the lead in producing flight attendants by delivering our know-how.“