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제목 [No.229 Campus Story] Talent donation ‘Happy longevity photography’
카테고리 CampusStory

Talent donation ‘Happy longevity photography’


The Cheondae Times Cub reporter Jin-won Seo




Our university, Department of Theater and Film, direction and production major students take a ‘Happy longevity photography’.


This ‘Happy longevity photography’ event processed for 200 old people who live in Bunpyeongdong of Cheongju. Photos are given to these people for free.


The photo which smiles most happily was displayed at administrative welfare center of Bunpyeong-dong. On this day, not only photo taking events but also awards ceremonies and performances were held together to provide various things to enjoy for the elderly.


Our university's talent donation event for longevity photography began in 2012. It slowed down for a while due to COVID-19 but resumed with the support and sponsorship of Cheongju Dongseo Rotary Club, Cheongju University Sarang Volunteer Group, Bunpyeong-dong Administrative Welfare Center, Sudong Saehan Color, and Love Eve.


Our university's Longevity Photography Talent Donation event began with the intention of changing the paradigm of portrait photography.


The project served as an opportunity for college students and community service groups to help the elderly in need and to pay attention to them.


Kyung-sik Kim, a professor at our university said, "We hope that happy longevity photography will develop into a representative village festival in our region in the future."


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