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제목 [No.226 Social News] After Typhoon No. 11 Hinamno passed, what kind of damage was there?
카테고리 SocialNews

After Typhoon No. 11 Hinamno passed, what kind of damage was there?


The Chungdae Times Cub reporter Gyu-Bo Min


Weatheri (http://m.weatheri.co.kr/special/special02.php)


Typhoon No. 11 Hinamno, which began on August 28, began on August 28 and deteriorated to temperate low pressure on September 6 and disappeared.

It moved northward with quite strong power and invaded the Korean Peninsula. On the Korean Peninsula, it passed Jeju at dawn on September 6, landed in Geoje, Gyeongsangnam-do, passed inland, escaped to the East Sea in the morning, and disappeared in the evening.


It caused considerable damage to Ulsan, South Gyeongsang Province, and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, centering on Pohang-si and Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and especially Pohang-si. For the first time since the establishment of the Pohang Iron and Steel Mill, a massive property damage of 1.7 trillion won occurred.


In Pohang City, water flooded apartments and parking lots, causing a large amount of damage to vehicles, and various damages such as water filling the market and being unable to operate. There were even many people who went missing in rivers and several people went missing in an underground parking lot in Pohang.


Two of them were rescued, but four died of cardiac arrest and it is said that it is unknown whether there are more missing people. In addition, other damage occurred, such as landslides, strong winds, trees collapsing, and rivers flooding.


Overseas in Japan, there were also damage, such as collapse of trees and electric poles, inability to see in front of them due to heavy rain and wind, people sliding or shaking buildings without being able to withstand the force of the wind.



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