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제목 [No.224 Editor Note] The New Cheongdae Times
카테고리 EditorNote

The New Cheongdae Times


The Cheongdae Times Editor-in-Chief Gyeong-Im Bok


I am delighted to meet readers after such a long time. We cannot publish the article due to our internal circumstances. However, we will publish articles again from May. I would like to apologize and thank our readers for waiting for our articles and worrying about not hearing from the Cheongdae Times.


The long COVID-19 situation is slowly ending. It is not yet time to be relieved, but when I see a society that is gradually returning to daily life before COVID-19, my mind wanders. I am sure not only me but also our readers will be excited to meet the faces we missed, and the new faces on the campus.


The Cheongdae Times is also starting with new cub reporters. I would appreciate it if you could read the inexperienced articles of the new reporters with pleasure.


Although the first article of 2022 has been published in May, we will prepare harder as it is late in the semester and deliver good quality articles to our readers. I hope that The Cheongdae Times will continue to be with you in the future.



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