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제목 [No. 223 Campus Story] Cheongju University completed the ‘Two weeks of the Preparation for the NCS test for Public Enterprises’ Program
카테고리 CampusStory

Cheongju University completed the ‘Two weeks of the Preparation for the NCS test for Public Enterprises’ Program

Cheongdae Times Senior Reporter of Culture Affairs, Yoon-Ji Bae



On the 26 our university Jobs Plus Center announced that the 'Two weeks of the preparation for the NCS test for public enterprises' program was successfully completed. This program was held with the participation of 48 people, including our university students and local youth.


This program was conducted to help local youth get a job at public enterprises. Based on the compulsory recruitment of local youth by public enterprises that have moved to those regions.


In preparation for the NCS test, which is essential for employment in public enterprises, the center provided the curriculum and lecture for two weeks to students. So participants could study efficiently.


A local youth who participated in the program said, "The study guide and curriculum were awesomely prepared, and it was a good opportunity to look through a book over 560 pages overall," adding, "I gained confidence as the number of correct answers gradually increased."



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