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제목 [No.222 Editor Note] A singer sign of love that stimulates the mind, it is a genuine consideration
카테고리 EditorNote

Cheongdae Times Editor-in-Chief Gyeong-Im Bok

A singer sign of love that stimulates the mind, it is a genuine consideration. - Menandros


November is the beginning of winter. Only two months left in 2021. 2021 has gone exceptionally fast. COVID-19 has continued for almost two years. ‘Live with Corona’ is now emerging.


I am very worried that I may spend my whole life with COVID-19 that shook the world. It is impossible to completely block human-to-human exchanges. So, caring for each other is more important than ever. Everyone is experiencing discomfort.


We seem to see the end of this virus war and we are already very tired of COVID-19, so it may be difficult to consider each other anymore. As I spend a long time at home, I want to put everything down and leave for a place where there is no one.


Nevertheless, the reason why I do not leave alone is consideration. We clearly know that there are people who will be in trouble if I disappear and turning away from the painful reality does not solve the problem. Therefore, we all need to be patient.


In the October editor's note, I said that love is not easy. I think consideration is also part of love. When you love something, you think and care more about it. And that appears as consideration.


Even if I am uncomfortable, the desire for someone to be more comfortable is very precious and warm. The small consideration for a person whose heart has gotten colder due to COVID-19 will melt their frozen heart. So, I hope that readers who read this article will not forget to be considerate.



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