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제목 [No. 219 Campus Story] Cheongju University, Selected Evaluation and Support Projects for University Sports Team.
카테고리 CampusStory

Cheongju University, Selected Evaluation and Support Projects for University Sports Team.


Cheongdae Times Senior Reporter of International Afffairs Seong-won Kim


Cheongju University announced on the 18th that university athletic team was selected as the‘2021 University athletic division evaluation and support projects’ which is organized by the Korean University Sports Federation and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. As a result, Cheongju University’s athletic team received a subsidy of 104.5 million won.


The ‘2021 University athletic division evaluation and support projects’ is supported to one university athletic team among the athletic team which is registered as a university athletic organization of the Korea Sports Association. Cheongju University is said to have received the largest amount of subsidies from Daejeon and Chungcheong provinces in this year’s evaluation and support projects.


Cheongju University’s athletic team has fostered sports talent in six sports, including soccer, taekwondo, judo, fencing, shooting and table tennis, and has won the ‘57th Spring University Football Federation’ and the ‘60th Presidential Fencing Championship.’


‘2021 University athletic division evaluation and support projects’ was finalized through deliberation by the screening committee and on-site visits which was divided into qualitative and quantitative evaluations based on the operation performance of each university’s athletic team.


Cheongju University plans to use the project funds to support the promotion of university’s athletic teams, enhance university competitiveness, and strengthen self-purification efforts to normalize university sports, and support training supplies, and participation in competitions.



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